Thursday, 23 February 2012

How did you attract/address your audience?

The audience which I wanted to address my magazine to was teenage girls between the ages of 14 and 19 who were interested in up to date fashion, celebrity gossip but were also a bit classy.  I made sure that the language I used appealed to everybody as I did want my magazine to appeal to as many people as possible. (See mood board to get a better look at my target audience.)  To attract my audience I used big bold letter and a colour scheme to make it look more sophisticated. On the front cover I enticed my reader with free offers. People at the age of 14-19 do not get much money as they are either still in college or on a low wage job. Offering free things makes the customer/buyer think that they are getting their money’s worth if they buy the magazine. I also included headlines for stories that would entice my target audience, for example I had headlines for the latest fashion and an interview with the latest celebrity.
These are my Flickr posts to highlight specific aspects that attract my target audience.

My title ‘CHIC’ is what I think the main selling point of my magazine is. CHIC says a lot about the magazine in one word including the contents of the magazine and the layout.  To make the magazine relevant, I put in the offer of a free iTunes voucher worth £50. All teenage girls are interested in some sort of music which is what I think make it appeal to a wider target audience. I would like to think my magazine cover is inviting and that it makes the reader want to pick it up and read it. I have made the colours not to bright so that they blind you but not so subtle that you can hardly see them. So that the reader does not feel uncomfortable looking at my magazine I have kept the layout very simple making sure nothing overlaps and looks odd. Although some people may find the unphotoshopped look more appealing, in the real world everyone wants something nice to look at which is why I removed some of the flaws on my pictures but not too much so that it looked un-natural.
To really get to know my target audience, I conducted a survey on survey monkey asking questions such as ‘how often do you buy a magazine?’ ‘Do you keep up to date with fashion?’ ‘Where do you get your music from?’ and ‘How much are you willing to pay for a magazine?’ These were all question what I wanted to know so that I could include stories to do with the majority of votes.
Here are my results.

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